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Today’s Action Alert – #4:

Help us on Capitol Hill to deliver our AE911Truth VIP
packet to every member of Congress

The packet includes:

1.   Introductory letter
2.   The AE911Truth Petition with the first 1,000 architect/engineer names
3.   Corporate brochure and evidence cards
4.   DVD – 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – Companion Edition
5.   Business card

This action will take place on September 7and 8. AE911Truth will provide the materials. This activity is primarily for those of you who are nearby or who are coming to meet your Congress members. Meet us in Washington DC on Monday night (Labor Day) September 6 at a pre-arranged restaurant for coordination and socializing. Email us at[email protected] for details.

Join in on the action. Dress for success and always be polite.

You will simply say “Hi, I’m Joe Smith, I have a petition for the Congress member with the signatures of more than 1,000 architects and engineers concerned about a matter of national security relating to 9/11. May I entrust it to you? Thank you!”

Keep a checklist of the offices where you have left a packet (Member name, House or Senate district, staffer’s name) along with your name and contact information. Submit your checklist to [email protected] or give it directly to the on-site AE911Truth staff.
Each evening (September 7 and 8) after the work is done, have a beer with us that night at the pre-arranged restaurant.

Thanks for helping us – this will be a lot of fun!

is on board with AE911Truth in Washington DC in September. Join Us!

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