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An anonymous reader writes with this story about how Berlin has become a haven for Laura Poitras and other journalists who want to limit the amount of NSA disruption in their lives.“It’s the not knowing that’s the hardest thing, Laura Poitras tells me. ‘Not knowing whether I’m in a private place or not.’ Not knowing if someone’s watching or not. Though she’s under surveillance, she knows that. It makes working as a journalist ‘hard but not impossible’. It’s on a personal level that it’s harder to process. ‘I try not to let it get inside my head, but I still am not sure that my home is private. And if I really want to make sure I’m having a private conversation or something, I’ll go outside.’

…..We’re having this conversation in Berlin, her adopted city, where she’d moved to make a film about surveillance before she’d ever even made contact with Snowden. Because, in 2006, after making two films about the US war on terror, she found herself on a ‘watch list’. Every time she entered the US – ‘and I travel a lot’ – she would be questioned. ‘It got to the point where my plane would land and they would do what’s called a hard stand, where they dispatch agents to the plane and make everyone show their passport and then I would be escorted to a room where they would question me and oftentimes take all my electronics, my notes, my credit cards, my computer, my camera, all that stuff.’ She needed somewhere else to go, somewhere she hoped would be a safe haven. And that somewhere was Berlin.”

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