Jamie Smith takes a stand as Washington bureaucrats attempt to force unwanted drugs on her children. (Photo courtesy KOMO News)
A state bureaucracy is threatening a mother with removal of an infant unless her entire family subjects themselves to flu shots.
This is the dilemma that foster parent Jamie Smith is currently facing. The Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) is giving the Tacoma family until February to comply with the mandated regimen of influenza vaccines — imposed on every member of the family — or else they will lose their youngest child, a 2-week-old foster infant that was born on Christmas.
Mrs. Smith is a dedicated foster mom, and has fostered seven babies. She currently raises five children, including an adopted 4-year-old daughter. Her objection to vaccines is based on safety concerns for her family, she revealed in an interview with KOMO News:
“I’ve done a lot of research on it and I don’t like some of the side effects that it has,” she said.
Smith says she’s worried about mercury in the vaccine and its effects on the brain. She doesn’t want her or her five children exposed to that even if it means losing the little one.
“I’ve thought about that a lot,” said Smith. “Unfortunately, I have to think about our kids who are in the house first and to me they’re more important, their safety, than trying to fight to keep this little guy.”
Among the alarming vaccine ingredients that Mrs. Smith referred to is Thimerosal, a drug stabilizer that contains the compound ethyl mercury, a known neurotoxin. Popular influenza vaccines such as Fluzone®, FluLaval®, and Fluvirin® each contain Thimerosal.
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