Five Stars movement’s leader Beppe Grillo attends a press conference on December 18, 2014 in Rome. (AFP Photo / Andreas Solaro)
Beppe Grillo, the leader of an Italian Eurosceptic party says he has already received 50,000 signatures for his petition to push for a referendum on Italy leaving the Euro. He cites rising unemployment and lack of economic growth for wanting to quit.
The head of the Five Star Movement told the press on Thursday that tens of thousands of Italians have jumped at the chance to sign his petition to force the Italian government to hold a referendum on whether to stay in the Eurozone or not.
“I’m not fighting for my children; I’m doing it for me because I hope to have a few more months left to live! I’m doing this for us, now. We don’t have more time,” he told journalists.
Porteremo in Parlamento la legge per indire il referendum #fuoridalleuro!
Leghisti, studiate e imparate pic.twitter.com/xfmK4Ocgy6
— Beppe Grillo (@beppe_grillo) December 18, 2014
We will bring the law into parliament to call a referendum #fuoridalleuro!
Grillo launched the petition drive, aiming to collect at least 500,000 signatures over six months, to put pressure on the government to hold a ballot. Meanwhile, Carla Rucco, who is a senior figure within the party, said that Italians were losing faith in the current government, while the Five Star Movement party say they have gathered more than 50,000 signatures in just a few days.
“Trusting Prime Minister Renzi who retracts each month what he said the previous month would be very naive. You have more chances to see Santa Claus’s sleigh on December 24th,” she told RT from Rome.
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