Legendary Bilderberg Confrontation Thread !
Over the years, Luke Rudkowski has confronted a number of Bilderberg Members from Jacob Rothschild, to Henry Kissinger, to David Rockefeller, Corporate goons and U.S. senators.
Luke even snuck into a Bilderberg meeting in 2015 with Dan Dicks, and Jeff Berwick of Dollar Vigilante.
Here’s a compilation of all of Luke’s Confrontation Video’s and some new current Bilderberg video’s from the recent conference.
Take a trip through history with us of Luke’s Best Confrontation Videos Confronting the dirty sewer rats who attend Bilderberg who then forget what it is? What’s a Bilderberg?
Duhhhhh while drooling out the mouth we aren’t stupid we know these meetings hold a significant influence on political affairs.
So what’s so special about the Bilderberg meeting? Well besides a bunch of influential people meeting. They are actually in violation of the Logan Act if they are US Citizens. An Act that was created because George Logan met in France to have unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798.
So without further to do here are the war criminals and treasonous bastards confronted by the brave Luke Rudkowski and others at We Are Change. So Grab a popcorn and and a can of aspartame kick back and enjoy the rats running from the questions about the infamous annual Bilderberg meeting literally David Petraeus ran away today.. Oh the comedy!
Hillary’s and Obama’s Top Man James A. Johnson Freaks Out Over Question:
David Petraeus LITERALLY Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions:
BREAKING: Peter Thiel Goes On The Record About Bilderberg:
2016 Bilderberg Presidential Candidate Confronted And Exposed As A Liar:
2015 Only Journalist to Ever Be Inside Bilderberg:
2015 How To Sneak Into Bilderberg During Lockdown:
2014 Italian Parliament Members Send A Message To Bilderberg:
2014 Bilderberg Evacuates Airport Cause of Independent Media:
2014 Goldman Sachs Peter Sutherland Confronted at Bilderberg: Sweats BALLS:
2014 Bilderberg Member Talks to Protesters about War with Russia?:
2014 Talking to the Elite Elusive Bilderberg Creatures:
2013 Confronting The Bilderberg Group:
2012 Tom Daschle Confronted on Anthrax Attack & Bilderberg:
2012 Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan Confronted on Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove:
2012 Paul Volcker Confronted on Bilderberg:
2012 David Gergen Confronted on Bohemian Grove & Bilderberg:
2012 Condoleezza Rice Confronted on Bilderberg:
2012 Former Fed Chairman Greenspan:
2012 CEO of Coca Cola Muhtar Kent Confronted on Bilderberg:
2012 War Criminal Henry Kissinger confronted on Bilderberg and Mass Murder:
2012 Senator Boxer Confronted on Bilderberg:
2012 Senator Rubio Confronted on Bilderberg:
2012 PBS’s Charlie Rose Runs Away From Bilderberg Question:
2012 Charlie Rose Questioned on Bilderberg Attendance:
2012 Lord Jacob Rothschild Confronted:
2012 NYTime’s Editor In Chief Bilderberg Group:
2011 Bilderberg – Google Eric Schmidt & Jacob Wallenberg’s Walk and Talk:
2011 Luke Rudkowski Goes to Dinner at Bilderberg Meeting:
2011 Ben Bernanke Confronted by WeAreChange:
2009 Madeleine Albright confronted on Bilderberg & New World Order Crimes:
2007 WeAreChange Confronts David Rockefeller:
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