At one of the Wildest Trump rallies yet, We Are Change founder Luke Rukowski was was on the front lines, here is the run down of today’s events, But first; go add the We are change Instagram, (so in the future you are not missing out). The police presence in San Diego was heavy, the obvious agenda for the police was to show ‘over whelming’ force, often boxing Anti-Trump and Pro-Trump demonstrators in together in a protest policing maneuver known as kettling , all though kettling is considered by many to be controversial it is still widely taught as a technique to contain protest, more commonly since it was used effectively at the G20 summit in London in April of 2009.”The tactics are “to herd the crowd into a pen, known as ‘the kettle’… the police will not want groups splintering away from the main crowd.” Policing experts say the procedure dictates that officers move protesters to a pre-

police deployed an LRAD which is a less lethal munition laser weapon that could puncture ear drums and disperse large crowds. It was first used in Iraq during combat and now at large protests across the country.
designated spot. As other protesters join the crowd, the police noose draws gradually tighter. Eventually protesters find themselves surrounded by police specially trained in crowd control. Mounted police can also provide backup. Police may occasionally relieve some of the pressure on the kettle by allowing people to leave – but officers are constantly seeking to maintain control and this is via a designated route. However, anyone determined to stay may be held for hours without access to food and water. During the G20 events, protesters reported having to relieve themselves in the street because they had no access to
The riot police violently shoving everyone together when their fighting anyway is not helping at the Trump rally

The Riot police violently shoving everyone together when their fighting anyway is not helping at the Trump rally. -Luke Rudkowski
Things are getting heated at the Trump Rally in San Diego just saw a fist fight before this
If the people are there to keep the peace today at the Trump Rally in San Diego, why did they push the anti and pro Trump together which only lead to more fights between the two today?
Is this what Democracy Looks Like in the 21st Century ?
Seems The great divide at the Trump Rally in San Diego has begun, stay tuned for more coverage.
To be fair, there was a bunch of Bernie/ Anti Trump people that were trying to keep the peace yesterday in San Diego. Which of course is not news worthy to many but important for me to document and show you. Not everyone is bad or being manipulated into division, this man from from the #FreeHugsProject a decade old organization attended a Trump Rally but was not always welcomed with open arms.
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