WeAreChange is looking for interns in NYC!

Here at WeAreChange, we are running a very low budget and low staff operation. In order to grow, we need more hands on deck. If you think you have what it takes and want to gain important first hand experience in a multimedia organization, this is the right place for you.

– We’re looking for an overall positive person who is willing to learn anything and do his or her best.

– You have to be in the NYC area and have an available schedule

– If you have a resume send it if you don’t, don’t worry about it. Just let us know your skills and how best you think you can contribute.

Send this along with a picture and contact information to [email protected] with “Intern Resume” in the subject.

Were looking for specific help with Camera men/women, video editors, social media managers, researchers, writers and on camera characters. If you have a desire to learn any of these skills, or have some experience in the field, this is a perfect opportunity for you!

Sign up on lukeunfiltered.com or to check out our store on thebestpoliticalshirts.com.