Dakota Access Pipeline: Private Security Militants deployed vicious attack dogs, pepper spray and physical assaults against the sacred water protectors ! No MAIN STREAM MEDIA COVERAGE !
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private security contractors hired by the oil companies attacked the water defenders with strike dogs and pepper spray as they attempted (and succeeded) to halt construction on sacred land. #NoDAPL #StandingRock #pipelinefighter #waterissacred #northdakota at Sacred Stone Camp.
Cannon Ball River, North Dakota — 1851 Ft. Laramie Treaty Territory — Today, as we offered prayers to commemorate the 153rd anniversary of the Whitestone Hill Massacre against the Ihanktonwan Dakota peoples on the banks of the Cannon Ball River, a call to action was made to stand and block bulldozers as they plowed through an area containing ancient burial and cultural sites.
“The only comment I have is that people trespassed and workers were hurt.” stated an unidentified North Dakota State Trooper after the incident. When pressed about the use of excessive force and attack dogs by a private security firm, the trooper referred reporters to the Morton County Sheriff.

It took six hours to detach Dale “Happy” American Horse Jr., 26, from Dakota Access pipeline construction equipment. (Photo: Courtesy Red Warrior Camp)
Eight people were arrested and charged on August 31 after disrupting a construction site for the Dakota Access pipeline. Two of them chained themselves to equipment, one of them for six hours.
Jeremiah IronRoad, 25, of Cannonball, ND, and Dale “Happy” American Horse Jr., 26, of Sioux Falls, were each charged with criminal trespass and obstructing government for chaining themselves to construction equipment, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said on August 31. American Horse was also charged with resisting arrest.
In addition, Lisa Winter, 47, of St. Louis, Missouri, was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and criminal trespass for standing on the equipment. Elizabeth Branham, 25, of Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas; Maxfield Estela, 26, of Edmonds, Washington; James Ironeyes, 52, of Fort Yates, North Dakota; Wicahpiluta Candelaria, 34, of Sanleandro, California, and Leeann Eastman, 37, of Sisseton, South Dakota, were each charged with obstructing government function and disorderly conduct, the sheriff’s office said.
It was part of a 100-person protest by the Red Warrior Camp, water protectors trained in direct action who are camped along the Cannonball River.
The Red Warrior Camp described the nonviolent action in which IronRoad and American Horse locked themselves to construction equipment that Precision Pipeline Co. was using to work on the pipeline corridor under contract with Dakota Access LLC. Workers “politely left the worksite upon the arrival of our action team and supporters,” Red Warrior said. “Within minutes a group of private security guards arrived, along with members of Precision Pipeline management.
One security guard handed out ‘media reference cards,’ and all workers were instructed to say ‘no comment’ when asked direct questions by media or concerned citizens.”
Authorities were called, and North Dakota state police blocked traffic to keep out further protesters, Red Warrior said.
“IronRoad warrior was removed safely from a large dump truck within an hour, but American Horse remained locked to the arm of a large excavator for nearly six hours, causing police and construction workers to bring in additional equipment to dismantle the machine. They were unsuccessful in this endeavor and eventually sawed off the ‘lock box,’ ” Red Warrior said. “Red Warrior Camp, Sacred Stone Camp, and allies from around the globe are committed to protecting our clean water sources.”
The call for support was made by a Lakota Vietnam combat veteran who happened to come upon the destruction of the sacred sites area, just one mile north of the encampment.We felt the need to protect these significant sacred and cultural sites on the land, because neither Dakota Access LLC or the U.S. federal government is not protecting them. Red Warrior Camp was nonviolent and unarmed throughout this action. We will remain nonviolent and unarmed. We ask supporters to do so as well Additionally, we ask that supporters keep the attention on the fact that Energy Transfer Partners feels justified in using this level of force against unarmed and nonviolent water protectors AND the state officers that are sworn to protect the people allowed it.
Social Media: facebook.com/RedWarriorCamp @RedWarriorCamp on Twitter/Instagram
Hashtags: #NoDAPL#WaterIsLife#RedWarriorCamp#SacredStoneCamp
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