Last Friday, while AE911Truth was busy preparing for the Justice In Focus conference, a controversy of sorts erupted after Facebook displayed one of the many articles about our Europhysics News feature on its trending news feed. A reporter from the Washington Post apparently felt this was not an acceptable subject for Facebook to be spreading around — no matter how many people were talking about it. In a matter of hours, a wave of frenzied pseudo-journalism broke out in the mainstream news media, from the Washington Post to the Daily News, they chastised Facebook for allowing algorithms rather than gatekeeper editors to decide what should be circulated in its trending news feed. Eventually Facebook was forced to remove the news item. |

Amid the firestorm of indignation, only
Alan Yuhas of the
Guardian bothered to actually look at the original article at the center of the controversy. But, as to be expected, he went to great lengths to smear and minimize the authors. And despite the fact that
Europhysics News is published by the prestigious European Physical Society, Yuhas preferred to cite Hearst-owned, pop-science magazine
Popular Mechanics and parrot its claim that it disproved such “conspiracy theories” long ago.
Just the Beginning of this Article’s Impact
Yet again the mainstream news media has proven it will pull out all the tricks in its bag to suppress or dismiss the evidence of controlled demolition on 9/11. But that won’t stop millions of decent, concerned citizens around the world from sharing this information with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers.
You can do your part by sharing this breakthrough scientific article with everyone you know. Right now it’s nearing 200,000 views. How far will it go?!
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