The National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program will cost about $200 million, which is basically nothing in the scheme of most international budgets. Peru also leads the way in national dedication to organic food and doesn’t allow GMO.
The program plans to install about 12,500 photovoltaic solar systems to provide for approximately 500,000 households. The remainder will be auctioned off.
Energy and Mining Minister Jorge Merino said, “This program is aimed at the poorest people, those who lack access to electric lighting and still use oil lamps, spending their own resources to pay for fuels that harm their health.”
Currently, only about 66 percent of Peru’s population has access to electricity.
“With about 29.5 million inhabitants, Peru is the fifth most populous country in South America.[78] Its demographic growth rate declined from 2.6% to 1.6% between 1950 and 2000; population is expected to reach approximately 42 million in 2050.[79] As of 2007, 75.9% lived in urban areas and 24.1% in rural areas.[80] Major cities include Lima (home to over 8 million people), Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Iquitos, Cusco, Chimbote, and Huancayo; all reported more than 250,000 inhabitants in the 2007 census.[81] There are 15 uncontacted Amerindian tribes in Peru.[82]”
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