Author: Aaron Kesel


Leaked audio from 2006, shows Hillary Clinton suggesting that the U.S. should have rigged a foreign country’s electoral process. Eyebrows should be raised high to your forehead when hearing Clinton suggest the U.S. should have “made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win” rigging the Palestinian election.

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Koch Brothers Battle to Prevent Dark Money Disclosure in South Dakota

The Koch network has mobilized in South Dakota to defeat the “South Dakota Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act,” a state-wide initiative on the ballot November 8.

The anti-corruption measure, Initiated Measure 22 or IM-22, was launched by a bipartisan group called the South Dakotans for Integrity and put on the ballot with signatures from over 20,000 state residents.

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FBI Rebels! Huma Abedin “Insurance File” Found On Seized Laptop With 10,000 NEW EMAILS

Comey’s now attempting to save face and has reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server, claiming that the FBI has now found an additional 650,000 email messages on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, ten thousand of which were found in a folder called “Life Insurance.” Things are boiling up for the Clinton campaign, what an October surprise!

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