A & E for 9/11 Truth needs our HELP!

Everyone A & E for 9/11 Truth needs our help. They have a new movie coming out, So please go buy it so it helps fund there movement. Also they need volunteers to help call there petition signers, And they also need...

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Snookie Runs For Congress

https://www.facebook.com/LukeWeAreChange Tweets by LukeRudkowski Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of Washington D.C with Victoria to see if the people know more about reality stars or who their representative is special thanks to...

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London riots coming to the US?

There is a lot of unrest in the US on how our government has been handling matters lately. Should the riots in England serve as a warning for the US? Spending on wars and cutting social programs are things that both the US and...

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9/11, Ten Years

Questions, questions, questions that still after ten years is unanswered. This is a problem, that people are still unaware of. To paraphrase what Dan Dicks from Press For Truth, an alternative media group based in Toronto said...

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