The Alex Jones Channel: Luke Rudkowski: WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney on 9/11 Standdown Order
[youtube][/youtube] Aaron Dykes...
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by Luke Rudkowski | Feb 15, 2011 | 0 |
[youtube][/youtube] Aaron Dykes...
Read Moreby Luke Rudkowski | Feb 15, 2011 | 0 |
Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Wahsington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011.
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- Cindy Sheehan Interview by Media Roots This is a special 40 minute Media Roots Radio interview conducted by Abby Martin with Cindy Sheehan, mother who has made the ultimate sacrifice and fearless anti-war...
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- The Egyptian Revolution: US Response & Coverage by Media Roots In this episode Abby and Robbie talk about the Egyptian Revolution: US puppet dictators, coverage in this country compared to coverage during...
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- Wikileaks, Bradley Manning, False Memories with Guest Researcher Steven Frenda by Media Roots In this episode of Media Roots Radio, Robbie and Abby Martin discuss Wikileaks, Bradley Manning and the inhumane...
Read Moreby Luke Rudkowski | Jan 20, 2011 | 0 |
Mark Ruffalo: There are more questions than answers about 9/11
Luke Rudkowski of We Are recently ran into actor, director and producer Mark Ruffalo in the streets of NYC.
Have no fear and always have love in your heart and we can do anything. Mark Ruffalo is a perfect example of that.
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- The Anthrax Attacks, From The Memory Hole by Media Roots Click Above to Listen This is a special episode of Media Roots Radio about the events of 9/11 & Anthrax. In this edition, Abby and Robbie Martin...
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- Breaking Apart the Official 9/11 Coincidence Theory by Media Roots MEDIA ROOTS- This is a special 2 hour 20 minute episode of Media Roots Radio about the events of 9/11. In this edition, Abby and Robbie Martin...
Read MoreMEDIA ROOTS- In George Orwell’s 1984, Britain is depicted as a totalitarian police state that is ruled by the Party, or Big Brother– an enigmatic, ubiquitous elite that controls society through heavy surveillance, nationalist...
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- TSA, Bush’s Book, Flotilla Attack and Interview with Dr. Paul Larudee by Media Roots On this week’s episode of Media Roots Radio, Robbie and Abby Martin talk about the new TSA procedures and...
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- The CIA, LSD, DMT, Shulgin & the DEA, Lucid Dreaming, Consciousness by Media Roots A special one hour and forty minute edition of Media Roots Radio- Robbie and Abby Martin talk about the initiation and...
Read MoreMedia Roots Radio- Prop 19, Aafia Siddiqui, Freemasonry & the Founding Fathers by Media Roots On this edition of Media Roots radio we discuss China’s forced abortions, the unjust case of Aafia Siddiqui, Prop 19,...
Read Moreby Luke Rudkowski | Oct 29, 2010 | 0 |
Matt Meyer We Are Change NY October 28, 2010 It has been remarked that “all the world loves a...
Read MoreThese are the first and second episodes of Media Roots radio with hosts Abby and Robbie Martin. We break through the left/ right paradigm and speak the truth about 9/11, Obama, the media, terrorism and pharmaceutical drugs. This radio show airs on shortwave radio Sundays at 6pm central time, following the Alex Jones show on frequency 9.350 MHz.
Read Moreby Luke Rudkowski | Oct 14, 2010 | 0 |
October 13, 2010 by Sam Dodson There is troubling news on this story. Johnathan and Stephanie went...
Read Moreby Luke Rudkowski | Oct 14, 2010 | 0 |
Judge Napolitano’s Ground-breaking interview with Lt. Col, Anthony Shaffer and Former CIA Intelligence officer, Michael Scheuer. — Shaffer’s book, “Operation Dark Heart” was essentially...
Read MoreMedia Roots- KPFK’s Chris Burnett of Indy Media on air interviewed me about my website for his FM radio show last Monday to talk about politics, activism, and media justice. We talk about 9/11 truth quite a bit, starting at about 20:00.
Read MoreHow can an artist like Alex Grey, one who has supposedly superseded this physical realm, idolize Obama as some sort of spiritual leader? Although most of Alex’s art breaks down the physical reality of our perception of self and body, the sitting president’s existence in the current political arena serves to bolster a physical illusion.
Read MoreRichard Gage, Barbara Honegger, Manny Badillo, and Stephen White, together last night, where able to bring attention to World Trade Center Building 7, with the third light.
Read MoreWe are off to a fantastic start. Not only are we doing good street actions, but we are having fun doing it. It’s wonderful to meet new like minded people from all over the world, and reuniting with great friends. I...
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