
“Could you please make sure the eggs aren’t runny? I’m pregnant.”

At their first prenatal appointment, pregnant women are doled out a list of NO’s including deli meats, fish, and unpasteurized cheese. There is a growing awareness of the fact that this list may be dangerously NON EXHAUSTIVE (and largely misguided, especially when it comes to unpasteurized dairy and eggs).

Even a recent, bold pronouncement by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, attempted to sound the alarm about chemical exposures with recommendations for “unproven” but potentially harmful exposures. They describe the importance of considering chemicals in personal care products, over-the-counter medications and supplements, metals and industrial pollutants in fish, and pesticides. However, they dilute their message by making statements such as “Realistically, pesticides are so rigorously regulated that human exposure via food residues is usually minimal, even in non–organic products.” Unfortunately, the concept of “dose makes the poison” is no longer operative in a world of multiple, synergistic chemical exposures, the toxicity of which appears to be contingent upon each individual’s endocrine and immune system.

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