
The community of Cheyenne, Wyoming and its surrounding area in Laramie County are witnessing the biggest public battle against Agenda 21 that we have seen to date.

Publicly elected Laramie County Commissioner M. Lee Hasenauer organized an emergency Town Hall Meeting on February 8th, where Stacy Lynne spoke about PlanCheyenne. The presentation focused on the harmful impacts that the plan will have on the people, if the Plan is adopted, by the Cheyenne City Council, on March 10th and Laramie Board of County Commissioners, on March 11th.PlanCheyenne is a long-range transportation and development plan that is modeled on Agenda 21 and was created by Clarion and Associates, the same external consulting firm that created PlanFortCollins. Stacy Lynne, an independent investigate journalist from Fort Collins, has researched and reported on Agenda 21 and I.C.LE.I. for 6+ years. Her presentations throughout Colorado made huge impacts and led to contacts nationwide, including Dave Hodges with the Common Sense Show.

On Saturday, February 22nd, the South Cheyenne Community Development Association organized another Cheyenne emergency Town Hall Meeting, where Stacy Lynne presented groundbreaking information on the illegal aspects of the Plan. The information presented also detailed how small locally owned businesses would be damaged, by the policies of PlanCheyenne.

PlanCheyenne’s stated goals are to restrict individual property rights, prohibit locally owned businesses from remaining in operation and to drive home prices to unaffordable levels. The enforcement mechanism for 500+ page PlanCheyenne is the Unified Development Code, which is 300+ pages long and rarely ever read by elected officials before adopting local plans.

Minority populations, senior citizens and families will be most severely impacted by these policies, because fees are increased to cover the costs of these programs and utility rates often triple, in communities with these plans. The next two weeks leading up to the March 10th and 11th votes are critical for people to become engaged in opposing the Plan.

If you live in northern Colorado or southern Wyoming, please attend the March 4th and 10th Cheyenne City Council Meetings at 2101 O’Neil Avenue at 6pm and attend the Laramie County Commissioners Meeting on March 11th at 310 W. 19th Street in Cheyenne, at 5:30pm.

People nationwide can participate in helping the people of Cheyenne stop Agenda 21. Please take the following actions to help Cheyenne, Wyoming stop PlanCheyenne:

Contact the Cheyenne County Commissioners about voting no against PlanCheyenne by phone 307-633-4260 and email [email protected].

Contact Cheyenne’s Mayor, Richard L. Kaysen, about voting no against PlanCheyenne by phone at 307 637-6300 and email [email protected] or [email protected].

Contact the Cheyenne City Council members about voting no against PlanCheyenne by emailing [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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[email protected].

Post this article on the PlanCheyenne Facebook page and tweet them @PlanCheyenne. Once we succeed at stopping PlanCheyenne, other communities around the world can follow the example set by the people involved in stopping it from taking control of Cheyenne.

Contact the author – [email protected] or @BruceBaumannWRC


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