Author: Luke Rudkowski

U.S. Releases Secret Memo Justifying Targeted Killing of American Citizens. In the memo, the government claims broad authority to kill American terrorism suspects without judicial process or geographic limitation. 06/23/2014 In response to a federal court order, the Obama administration has released a key Justice Department legal memo on U.S. targeted killing operations. The July 2010 memo wasthe basis for the...

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After the financial crises of 2008, the people of Iceland elected twenty-five non-political citizens to write a new constitution to free Iceland from the exaggerated power of international finance. The Icelanders could witness and comment on the constitution as it was being drafted online.

By Deena Stryker An Italian radio program’s story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world....

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