Author: Aaron Kesel

WIKILEAKS: Germans Now Believe BND Leak Was An Insider After Erroneously Claiming It Was Russian Hackers

After accusing a foreign power taking one out of the U.S scape goat book blaming Russian hackers for the BND leak of thousands of documents on NSA investigation committee. German authorities Bundestagspolizei are now looking for the perpetrators of the leak not in cyberspace but in the German parliament’s own walls.

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BREAKING: China Steals U.S Navy Underwater Drone, Who’s Responsible Trump or Obama:

Breaking news coming from the South Asian Sea as the Chinese military has just stolen a U.S Navy Underwater drone in front of the U.S military. In this video Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you his breakdown of what happened, why it happened and the inevitable major clash between these two major super powers. For more real geo political news support us on

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FBI Director Comey To Trump: No Evidence The Russians Influenced the Election

This has become a spectacle that will go down in history likely with a soon coming leak that will end the CIA director John Brennan’s career. According to journalist Ed Klein, FBI Director James Comey has told President-elect Donald Trump via a telephone conversation that there was no evidence that the elections were tampered with and Russia influenced the U.S. elections like the CIA has claimed.

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How To Fight Back Against Real Fake News And Facebook

With Facebook announcing how it will combat fake news. we just learned that a liberal blog and main stream media companies like ABC and Washington Post will be the ones deciding what you see on facebook. In this Breaking News video Luke Rudkowski not only reacts to this news to gives a potential solution to this problem that we all face with real fake news. Don’t forget to sign up on our email list on our website and check out a social media platform that can never be censored

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