Author: Aaron Kesel

Truly Make America Great Again On Thanksgiving

In this video Luke Rudkowski goes off on a thanksgiving rant. As many Americans are divided with Donald trump as president and the prospects of “Making America Great Again” Luke tires to put things in persepective and give some words of adivce for everyone having a divisise thanksgiving and black friday. Support us on

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PEDOPHILES EXPOSED? Reddit Bans PizzaGate Sub-Reddit

Reddit has banned the infamous PizzaGate civilian investigation into a potential elite pedophile group in DC using Comet Ping Pong’s pizzeria to traffic children users are now greeted with the message below when attempting to access to the sub-reedit. “The subreddit was due to a violation of our content policy specifically the proliferation of personal and confidential information we don’t want a watchhunt on our site.”

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